August 18, 2015

Awesomely Artistic

This is one stamp set that I never even saw in the catalog until I went to convention. We used it one night at the shoebox swap I participated in and then I saw it everywhere and wondered why on earth I had not ordered it.

This is another card off of the display boards.  You can bet it was one of the first stamp sets I ordered when I got home and because of my Maine trip, it is arriving this afternoon.  I can't wait to get my hands on it and see what else I can come up with!!  It is awesome!!

Yesterday I did manage to get my suitcase unpacked and stuff put away and made a batch of cookies for John to take to "Old Guy Coffee Club", but that is about all I did.  This morning I am volunteering at Hospice and hope to have some energy for stamping when I get home.  I need to get some swaps done for a stamping day we are having this weekend and since my big pre-order of holiday catalog stuff comes this afternoon, it would be nice to play around with some of that!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

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