December 23, 2015

Embellished Ornaments

Here is another card from our demonstrator meeting back in August. Again, there was no name on the card so not sure who to give credit to!! (Dawn Klein claimed this card . . . thanks, Dawn!)

I love the Embellished Ornament set and was glad to see that it was not on the retirement list.

Yesterday I got all of my presents wrapped.  At least the ones I have bought and got the house relatively picked up.  I am meeting Hanna in Iowa City around noon so that we can finish up our shopping and get the rest of the groceries that we need.  Although I don't like the rain I am glad that it is rain and not snow!!  I think we would have a ton of snow if that were the case!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

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