November 18, 2022

Iowa State Gnome Wall Hangings

It about killed me, but I did it!!  Never let it be said that I am not an equal opportunity crafter!!

I made a trip to a scrapbook store and got some Iowa State designer series paper and also some other paper in the Iowa State colors and made six gnome plaques.  I sure hope they sell because heaven knows what I will do with them if they don't!!

I did struggle a little with what to use as a background for the gnomes and found this . . . I wasn't sure it would really work but my friend told me I was overthinking it so I went with that.  They were the last craft show project I finished up Wednesday evening.  I left them till last because if I didn't get them done, it would be okay.  But as you can see I managed to get six of them done

Yesterday afternoon I got everything set up and ready to go at the show.  Some very nice lady let me borrow her handcart and boy did that make things easier.  I am now on the hunt for one of those for myself.  Since I have a larger vehicle I now have room for it!!

It's not the best picture, but I am ready!!  I have come to the conclusion that I have way too much stuff!!  LOL

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

1 comment:

Kate Stockman said...

Looks great! You do have a lot of items--that must of taken a LONG time set up.