April 9, 2024

By Your Side Kit

In our current world where people may not always treat each other kindly, acts of kindness hold a lot of value. There is something truly exceptional about sending a personalized card to someone you care about. And what better way to spread joy and love than with a card that features adorable cat and dog designs from our brand new "By Your Side Kit"! I personally find them adorable!

The crafting kit includes all the necessary embellishments and pre-made sentiments to allow you to create personalized cards that are unique to your relationship with your loved ones. This kit has everything you need to express your feelings, from a heartwarming message for a pet lover, to a happy note for a relative, or a romantic gesture for that special person in your life.

The By Your Side Kit is a versatile tool that can be used for any occasion. Whether it’s for a birthday, to show appreciation for a friend, or simply to let someone know that you’re thinking of them, you can make a handmade card to brighten their day. Additionally, those paw prints are perfect as a self-stamped background for your scrapbook pages, adding a cute touch to your memories.

The kit makes 8 cards (4 each of 2 designs). The folded card measures 5-1/2″ x 4-1/4″.  Which combination is your favorite?  

Yesterday was a great day at my oncology!!  I got driving privileges so I can drive John and me to any doctor's appointments we might have.  Independence is a wonderful thing!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!! 

Happy Stamping!!

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