December 1, 2014

What does a ribbon-holic do with all of their retired, coordinated Stampin' Up! ribbon . . . they make ribbon trees, of course.  When Hanna and I were out shopping this weekend we saw some of these in one of the craft stores and decided we could make our own with the ribbon I had stockpiled in my craft room . . . and it would match all of the other things we had made!!

These are the ones I made.

These are the ones Hanna made.

And here is where we chose to display mine.  Hers are going to her apartment to find a home.

They really coordinate quite well with the banner and wreath we made last Christmas!!

Today I am starting a new project, called December Daily.  I am going to take a picture a day and journal and document the month of December using Project Life.

I will try to post pictures as I get them done!!

Everyday is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

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