August 30, 2024

Back to School Scrapbooking

Every year Hanna sends me "back to school" photos and every year I think I should scrapbook them.

Well . . . this was the year.  With the help of a layout from the Scrapbooking Summer School 2023 which I never completed I finished the two-page spread yesterday.  Not too bad since the first day of school was only a week ago!!

You might notice the flags that everybody is holding.  Don't ask me how many Targets Joan and I had to go to to get all of the appropriate years, but they do make cute pictures.  It is hard for me to believe that Shayra is in kindergarten already!!

You should zoom in on Hanna's shoes.  She went all in for the "Inside Out" theme this year with not only a t-shirt but tennis shoes as well!  It does fit her personality and job however!!

Today brings yet another doctor's appointment.  I thought I would only have the one on Tuesday . . . but that one resulted in appointments every day for the rest of the week.  Today is a dermatology appointment.  I have a spot on my nose that won't go away.  They finally decided on Tuesday that since it had been there for 18 months perhaps it needs to be looked at.  They put in a consult and told me it would be weeks before they called . . . well they called the next day with this appointment today so I took it. 
The good news is I am meeting my friend Bev, for lunch today at Old Garden so no matter what they say about my nose I know I will have a good lunch.

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

August 29, 2024

Every Day Greetings

Today's card is another of this week's Cards in the Mail.  I used an On-Line Exclusive stamp set . . . Everyday Greetings.  This stamp set will not show up in any printed catalog . . . it is only available through the Stampin' Up! website.

One of the great things about the photopolymer stamps is that you can place more than one of them on the block for stamping sentiments.  It sure does increase the versatility of the stamp set.

Today is the last of the Nivestym shots . . . for which I am very grateful for.  I don't think I am quite as achy as the last couple of times I have had to get a series of them . . . but I am also healthier than the last two times I got them.  Hoping for crafting time when I get home.  

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

August 28, 2024

Heartfelt Hexagon

Are you ready for a sneak peek at some designer series paper in the September-December Mini Catalog?  The Regal Winter Designer Series Paper is absolutely to die for!!

One side of the paper has the most beautiful flower patterns and the reverse side has muted patterns like you see on the bottom of this card.  This is a pretty easy layout, but I think you will agree that the paper makes it into an absolutely stunning card!!

Yesterday did not go anything like I had planned.  I had what I thought would be an easy oncology check-up since I had been feeling so well and I planned to come home and either scrapbook or put together some of the kits that seem to be piling up again!!  However . . . plans got changed when my lab work came back with an extremely low white count and some of my other counts that have to do with white count were very low.  They have assured me that this is something that sometimes happens and is nothing to worry about but I had to stick around yesterday to get a Nivestym shot and I have to go back today and tomorrow to get one each day.  I have had these shots before and they promote white blood cell growth . . . they just make your bones hurt.  In addition to that, yesterday's appointment marked about six months since the transplant so it is time to start my vaccinations.  Yesterday I received the first of the pneumonia vaccines.  Between the achy bones and the achy body from the pneumonia vaccine I just sat and rested and napped when I got home a little after 1:30.  I head back up this afternoon for another shot and hope to stamp some when I get home.

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

August 26, 2024

Scrapbooking Summer School Day 11

We have come to the end of my Scrapbooking Summer School pages unless I get busy today and get some more done!!  I have all kinds of layouts I have saved and pictures printed to actually get on pages!! 

I am sure this page was probably meant for a wedding spread with the sentiment "Beautiful Beginnings and Happily Ever Afters" but I decided that it would work for the photos I had of when the kids came home from Columbia . . . because after all that was certainly a beautiful beginning.

If you haven't checked out the designer series paper, Frames and Flowers, on page 29 of the Idea Book and Catalog you certainly need to.  I had totally overlooked this package!!  You get six sheets of patterned paper, one each of three double-sided designs and one each of three single-sided die-cut designs.  I have used many of the die-cut elements in the last three days in my scrapbook pages.  It opened up a whole new avenue for embellishmets.

I have certainly enjoyed this time of scrapbooking and looking back on the many memories!  Now I just need to decide how I am going to organize the pages and keep the albums!!

Today is going to be another hot one so staying inside and crafting and reading seems like a good thing to do again today.  Maybe I should start on organizing those scrapbooks!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

August 25, 2024

Scrapbooking Summer School Day 10

I have two more scrapbook layouts to share with you this week unless I get some more done.  The first is a birthday layout.

Hanna had a “Tea Rex” party for the "Littles" last September when I was sick.

The two pictures on the right of this spread are the "Bigs" on their birthday morning.  They too might have had a party but I did not have any pictures of that.

HOT!! HOT!! HOT!!  I think I will stay inside today where it is cool and craft, read, and watch the Cubs.  You might know it would turn 110° in the shade since school is starting!!  

I had a great day yesterday lunching and shopping with my friend, Joan.  It is her birthday today so we had a birthday lunch and then went shopping for some things we "had" to have for our cruise at the end of September.  That is still a ways away so I hope there is not too much more I think I "have" to have!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

August 24, 2024

Scrapbooking Summer School Day 9

Scrapbook sharing again today!!  This 2-page spread was so fun to make and think about where I was and what I was doing when the pictures were taken.

This is another one of the spreads that came with the Scrapbooking Summer School packet.  

Most of my photos I get printed as 5.3" X 4" photos and they are the perfect size for the mats that have been provided.  Sometimes I crop them a little more once they are printed but not very often.

Most of the pictures were taken at either stamping events or day trips around the area.  One of the things that working on these pages has shown me is that I need to take a lot more photos on a daily basis . . . not just on trips or special occasions!!

Not sure what all is on the agenda today but I do know it involves picking up more photos . . . I had Hanna's First Day of School photos printed last night and was thinking about what I could do with them today.  It looks to be a super hot day . . . but that is pretty typical since school has started!!  Whatever you do today stay cool and safe in the overly hot weather!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

August 22, 2024

Scrapbooking Summer School Day 8

I spent the day yesterday in my recliner scrapbooking the remaining photos that I have had printed.  The only pages I have left from Scrapbooking Summer School are fall-oriented pages and I am saving those until after the cruise in case I get some great fall photos.

I still had a slew of pictures from Hanna and Jake's wedding 7 years ago and decided to use them for this 9 square layout spread.

I kept the second page pretty simple because the left-hand page is so busy.  I thought the embellishments from the Fames and Flowers Designer Series Paper were the perfect complement to the page and photos.  I love this large photo of Hanna and Jake and it captures their feelings for each other perfectly.

Using a piece of designer series paper as the base page is something I had never really done before, but is the way this page was designed by Lyssa for Scrapbooking Summer School.  I have decided I really kind of like it and will probably use it more in the future.

Once again, I have a totally free day with nothing to do. I will probably spend it the same way I have the last couple of days - sitting in my comfy recliner, crafting, and reading. I think there might be a Cubs game on this afternoon and I will probably try to either watch or listen to that.

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

August 21, 2024

Unbounded Love

Today's card is another one of last week's Cards in the Mail.  I love the Unbounded Beauty Designer Series Paper . . . both sides of all of the patterns.

This is a pretty easy sketch and could be changed out to make the card look totally different.  By changing the embossing folder and the designer series paper you could change the whole tone of the card.  And you could certainly change the sentiment to also change the tone of the card.

Today is going to be a day of sitting in my new crafting recliner and crafting!!  I am hoping to work on some more of my scrapbook pages.  I think I have all of my photos that I want to scrapbook printed off so I should be good to go.

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

August 19, 2024

Scrapbooking Summer School Day 7

For the 7th page of Summer School Scrapbooking, I decided to create a layout featuring the photos from our visit to the Downton Abbey exhibit in Chicago this past January.

The vibe of the pages seemed to me to match the photos that I had.  I think I must have been living more in the moment than taking pictures because I did not have that many of that particular trip.

I even ended up using the one that we bought while we were there that was of all three of us.  I thought it was perfect for the last large spot on the page and besides it was the only photo of the three of us.

Since I now have no spot to sit until my new chair gets delivered tomorrow I guess I will either have to craft or shop today or maybe a little of both!!  I have several more pictures and pages that I would like to get done but we shall see.  I do need to get the Cards in the Mail envelopes in the mail at some point today.  And there is no Cubs baseball today . . . it is an off day for them.  Even though they are not doing that well this year I do still enjoy watching them and there is always next year!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!! 

Happy Stamping!!

August 18, 2024

Scrapbooking Summer School Day 6

Taking a break from Cards in the Mail cards to share this scrapbook spread I made yesterday.  I am thrilled with the way it turned out!!

Hanna had taken the kids to a park in Urbandale and had taken these pictures.  I had printed them off because I thought they were so cute.  When we got to this page in Scrapbooking Summer School I was so excited because I thought they were perfect for the pages.

I am absolutely thrilled with the way they came out!!  I was going to add a couple more pictures on the sides but then decided that I would just let the four kids shine!!

The caption could not be more perfect.  All in all these pages were a success.

A week or so ago I bought a new recliner because the one I have does not have enough back support for me anymore.  They are delivering the new one on Tuesday.  For the last week I been trying to give away this recliner and have had no takers.  My friend, Joan, suggested I list it on facebook Marketplace.  I was somewhat resistant to doing that but did list it for $25.  It sold within five minutes and is being picked up this afternoon.  I have spent the morning getting my nest around my recliner cleaned up in preparation for it to go to its new home.  It's a crazy world . . . can't give something away, but put a price on it and it is gone in 60 seconds!!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

August 17, 2024

Simply Zinnias

Today's card is another Card in the mail made with the Simply Zinnia On-Line stamp set.  This stamp set does not appear in a catalog anywhere . . . you can only find it in the On-Line store.  You can find this stamp set here.

This card is easy to duplicate and make multiples of. It's a great way to use up smaller pieces of designer series paper leftover from other projects. You can change the card base and layering piece of cardstock to complement the designer series paper.

Today's plans include trips to pick up prescriptions and some photos so I can continue my scrapbooking journey.  I have a garage sale order to deliver as well.  I am hoping to get home in time to watch some of the Cubs game while I scrapbook or stamp.

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

August 16, 2024

Tune In

Today is the day that I can share the card I made for my special project for New Hope Church and the ADM School District.  This project would have never gotten done this year without the help of my friend, Luetta, and my sister-in-law, Lori.

I thought I was picking an easy design . . . a couple of layers and a little coloring . . . no die-cutting or punching at all.  But anytime you make 375 of anything it takes a while.  Between the number of cards and the short time I had to get them done, combined with the fact that I don't work as quickly as I once did, it soon became evident that I would never get them done without making my body hurt everywhere.  Luetta and Lori quickly came to the rescue and helped me out.  Luetta finished stamping over 300 TV's and then they were off to Lori for the finishing of the coloring and assembling the majority of the cards.  I an never thank them enough for coming to my rescue. 

Not entirely sure what is on the agenda today . . . yesterday's trip to the Driver's License Bureau went very smoothly and turned out better than I could have hoped for!!  I may read the day away today!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

August 15, 2024

Simply Said

Today's Card in the Mail uses another pattern in the Thoughtful Journey Designer Series Paper package.  This is another one of the patterns that I think you could consider a masculine pattern.

I wasn't crazy about the fact that Stampin' Up! retired Very Vanilla Thick cardstock but I must say that the Basic Beige is growing on me and I think I like it almost better.  The only thing I wonder about is whether to use a Basic White or a Very Vanilla piece for the inside of the card.  Which one do you think looks better?

What a lovely rain this morning.  I am thrilled that my new driveway is clean again.  It needed a good rain to clean wash away the dirt tracks from the equipment they used to backfill the rest of the driveway.  Seems kind of silly to think how much better it look clean!!

This afternoon we are heading to the driver's license bureau to replace the driver's license that John lost last fall.  On the first Saturday that I ended up in the ER he realized that he could not find his wallet and has been without any form of identification since then.  We think he probably accidently swept it away into the trash can that sits by the table where he kept it.  I certainly did not feel like dealing with it then and had been putting off doing anything about it until this week.  I called to see what we needed to do and they said just show up at the office and they would take care of it.  Had I known it would be that easy we could have done it before this.  LOL

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

August 13, 2024

Heartfelt Hexagon

I am taking a break from scrapbook page sharing to share one of this week's Cards in the Mail.

As I get older, I find that I need more sympathy cards. The ones I have at home are all flowery, so I decided to make a masculine sympathy card. It's important to have these kinds of cards as well. The great thing about this layout and the Thoughtful Journeys Designer Series Paper (which is currently on sale) is that you can create different color combinations depending on the pattern of paper you choose. There are several other patterns that would work for masculine cards as well as the traditional feminine ones.

As soon as I am done posting this I am headed out the door to run some errands before meeting friends for lunch.  I have a couple of prescriptions to pick up as well as some more photos so I can continue my scrapbooking.  I also want to start to look for a dress to wear for the dressier nights at supper on the cruise at the end of September.  It's a good problem to have but I got rid of all of my dresses in my closet purge because they were too big so I am now off again on the dress hunt.  Hanna sent me a couple of photos of ones she thought I might like and they are actually available at the mall so I will go try them out.

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

August 12, 2024

Scrapbooking Summer School Day 5

Today's scrapbook pages contain more pictures from Mann Camp. I think I saw somewhere that between everyone that was there we took 712 pictures or so.  I am sure I will not get them all scrapped.  I would like to do a couple more spreads featuring everyone that was at Mann Camp and another one featuring the fantastic food we had that week.

I don't remember where the expression "One Mann's Family" originated from but I do know that we have grown from the original five of us into a family of thirty-six.  When you add in the in-laws and friends that also attend Mann Camp you have a group of fifty-three people.  

I do know that Mom and Dad would be proud to see how their family has grown and that we continue to get together and do things.

Today seems like kind of a sleepy day, but I do hope to get some things accomplished!!  Like cutting cardstock for Cards in the Mail and maybe getting some of the kits done that seem to have accumulated again while I have been busy camping and scrapbooking!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

August 11, 2024

Scrapbooking Summer School Day 4

Day 4 of Scrapbooking Summer School was a more difficult one for me.  I loved the "you & me" but then quickly realized that I don't have many pictures of John and I together.

So I had to look back through Facebook and my photo app to find some.  I just barely had enough to complete the pages.

I debated about including the ones taken since I have been sick but then decided it has been a big part of our lives and needs to be remembered so included some from both times I have been ill.  As Lyssa (the creator of all the pages) said . . . "Yes, scrap it all!! Good and bad.  It's all a part of your life!"  

I hope to do some more scrapbooking today . . . i just sent a bunch of photos to be printed so when they are ready I will run to Iowa City to pick them up as well as a few groceries.  Otherwise I am planning on working on tomorrow's Cards in the Mail class.

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!! 

Happy Stamping!!

August 10, 2024

Scrapbooking Summer School Day 3

Day 3 of Scrapbooking Summer School was supposed to be a pastel page about birds and babies.  I have so many Mann Camp pictured that I want to scrapbook that I changed up the base color to Granny Apple Green.

At some point I will need to go in and do some journaling to explain what all of these photos are, but right now I am just happy to get them on the pages.

These are just a few of the 712 pictures people took on our 10 day Mann Camp in July. I eventually want to replace the bluebirds with cardinals so put them there so I won't forget. We always see a ton of cardinals when we camp together and say it is Mom and Dad coming to check in and see how we are doing.

I have another two page spread to share tomorrow with more Mann Camp photos.

Today I am making a trip to Mount Pleasant to meet Jake and the kids and get them Hanna's car keys.  She left them in the camper when we were camping and I received them in the mail this week from the camper rental place.  Jake and the kids are on their way home from their camping trip and will go through Mount Pleasant.  I thought it would be better to actually hand them off instead of mailing them again.  That way I know they have them.

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

August 8, 2024

Scrapbooking Summer School Day 2

Day 2 of Scrapbooking Summer School was a Christmas layout.

Not that I scrapbook all that often, but when I do I rarely use 4" X 4" photos.  I really had to finagle some of them when I went to get them printed to make sure that the photo showed exactly what I wanted it to.

I have so many more Christmas pictures from this last year that I may make a couple more spreads using the same colors and designer series paper.  I will be sure to share them when I get them done.

Once again I have nothing on my agenda for today.   I do have some things I need to pick up in Iowa City so I may do that or I may just stay home and read and craft.  I guess I am still catching up on rest!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!! 

Happy Stamping!!