August 25, 2024

Scrapbooking Summer School Day 10

I have two more scrapbook layouts to share with you this week unless I get some more done.  The first is a birthday layout.

Hanna had a “Tea Rex” party for the "Littles" last September when I was sick.

The two pictures on the right of this spread are the "Bigs" on their birthday morning.  They too might have had a party but I did not have any pictures of that.

HOT!! HOT!! HOT!!  I think I will stay inside today where it is cool and craft, read, and watch the Cubs.  You might know it would turn 110° in the shade since school is starting!!  

I had a great day yesterday lunching and shopping with my friend, Joan.  It is her birthday today so we had a birthday lunch and then went shopping for some things we "had" to have for our cruise at the end of September.  That is still a ways away so I hope there is not too much more I think I "have" to have!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

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