August 30, 2024

Back to School Scrapbooking

Every year Hanna sends me "back to school" photos and every year I think I should scrapbook them.

Well . . . this was the year.  With the help of a layout from the Scrapbooking Summer School 2023 which I never completed I finished the two-page spread yesterday.  Not too bad since the first day of school was only a week ago!!

You might notice the flags that everybody is holding.  Don't ask me how many Targets Joan and I had to go to to get all of the appropriate years, but they do make cute pictures.  It is hard for me to believe that Shayra is in kindergarten already!!

You should zoom in on Hanna's shoes.  She went all in for the "Inside Out" theme this year with not only a t-shirt but tennis shoes as well!  It does fit her personality and job however!!

Today brings yet another doctor's appointment.  I thought I would only have the one on Tuesday . . . but that one resulted in appointments every day for the rest of the week.  Today is a dermatology appointment.  I have a spot on my nose that won't go away.  They finally decided on Tuesday that since it had been there for 18 months perhaps it needs to be looked at.  They put in a consult and told me it would be weeks before they called . . . well they called the next day with this appointment today so I took it. 
The good news is I am meeting my friend Bev, for lunch today at Old Garden so no matter what they say about my nose I know I will have a good lunch.

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

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