August 12, 2024

Scrapbooking Summer School Day 5

Today's scrapbook pages contain more pictures from Mann Camp. I think I saw somewhere that between everyone that was there we took 712 pictures or so.  I am sure I will not get them all scrapped.  I would like to do a couple more spreads featuring everyone that was at Mann Camp and another one featuring the fantastic food we had that week.

I don't remember where the expression "One Mann's Family" originated from but I do know that we have grown from the original five of us into a family of thirty-six.  When you add in the in-laws and friends that also attend Mann Camp you have a group of fifty-three people.  

I do know that Mom and Dad would be proud to see how their family has grown and that we continue to get together and do things.

Today seems like kind of a sleepy day, but I do hope to get some things accomplished!!  Like cutting cardstock for Cards in the Mail and maybe getting some of the kits done that seem to have accumulated again while I have been busy camping and scrapbooking!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

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