August 10, 2024

Scrapbooking Summer School Day 3

Day 3 of Scrapbooking Summer School was supposed to be a pastel page about birds and babies.  I have so many Mann Camp pictured that I want to scrapbook that I changed up the base color to Granny Apple Green.

At some point I will need to go in and do some journaling to explain what all of these photos are, but right now I am just happy to get them on the pages.

These are just a few of the 712 pictures people took on our 10 day Mann Camp in July. I eventually want to replace the bluebirds with cardinals so put them there so I won't forget. We always see a ton of cardinals when we camp together and say it is Mom and Dad coming to check in and see how we are doing.

I have another two page spread to share tomorrow with more Mann Camp photos.

Today I am making a trip to Mount Pleasant to meet Jake and the kids and get them Hanna's car keys.  She left them in the camper when we were camping and I received them in the mail this week from the camper rental place.  Jake and the kids are on their way home from their camping trip and will go through Mount Pleasant.  I thought it would be better to actually hand them off instead of mailing them again.  That way I know they have them.

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

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