August 19, 2024

Scrapbooking Summer School Day 7

For the 7th page of Summer School Scrapbooking, I decided to create a layout featuring the photos from our visit to the Downton Abbey exhibit in Chicago this past January.

The vibe of the pages seemed to me to match the photos that I had.  I think I must have been living more in the moment than taking pictures because I did not have that many of that particular trip.

I even ended up using the one that we bought while we were there that was of all three of us.  I thought it was perfect for the last large spot on the page and besides it was the only photo of the three of us.

Since I now have no spot to sit until my new chair gets delivered tomorrow I guess I will either have to craft or shop today or maybe a little of both!!  I have several more pictures and pages that I would like to get done but we shall see.  I do need to get the Cards in the Mail envelopes in the mail at some point today.  And there is no Cubs baseball today . . . it is an off day for them.  Even though they are not doing that well this year I do still enjoy watching them and there is always next year!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!! 

Happy Stamping!!

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