August 11, 2024

Scrapbooking Summer School Day 4

Day 4 of Scrapbooking Summer School was a more difficult one for me.  I loved the "you & me" but then quickly realized that I don't have many pictures of John and I together.

So I had to look back through Facebook and my photo app to find some.  I just barely had enough to complete the pages.

I debated about including the ones taken since I have been sick but then decided it has been a big part of our lives and needs to be remembered so included some from both times I have been ill.  As Lyssa (the creator of all the pages) said . . . "Yes, scrap it all!! Good and bad.  It's all a part of your life!"  

I hope to do some more scrapbooking today . . . i just sent a bunch of photos to be printed so when they are ready I will run to Iowa City to pick them up as well as a few groceries.  Otherwise I am planning on working on tomorrow's Cards in the Mail class.

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!! 

Happy Stamping!!

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