August 22, 2024

Scrapbooking Summer School Day 8

I spent the day yesterday in my recliner scrapbooking the remaining photos that I have had printed.  The only pages I have left from Scrapbooking Summer School are fall-oriented pages and I am saving those until after the cruise in case I get some great fall photos.

I still had a slew of pictures from Hanna and Jake's wedding 7 years ago and decided to use them for this 9 square layout spread.

I kept the second page pretty simple because the left-hand page is so busy.  I thought the embellishments from the Fames and Flowers Designer Series Paper were the perfect complement to the page and photos.  I love this large photo of Hanna and Jake and it captures their feelings for each other perfectly.

Using a piece of designer series paper as the base page is something I had never really done before, but is the way this page was designed by Lyssa for Scrapbooking Summer School.  I have decided I really kind of like it and will probably use it more in the future.

Once again, I have a totally free day with nothing to do. I will probably spend it the same way I have the last couple of days - sitting in my comfy recliner, crafting, and reading. I think there might be a Cubs game on this afternoon and I will probably try to either watch or listen to that.

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

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