June 20, 2024

Wildflower Designs

Today's card uses one of the flowered patterns from the Wildly Flowering Designer Series Paper pack and the new colo Basi Beige which is fast becoming a favorite.

I think I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that this is one of my favorite layouts.  You can change out the colors of cardstock and the designer series paper and add a ribbon instead of bling and  you have a whole new card.  It does use the 2" Circle Punch that is an on-line product and is available while supplies last.

As soon as I am done posting this I am out the door to the post office and then to a physical therapy appointment.  This afternoon I am heading to Adel to go to the Omaha Zoo with Hanna and Jake and the kids.  I am not sure if I will have the time or the energy to post anything.

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

June 19, 2024

Labeled With Love

Today's Card in the Mail features the Labeled With Love stamp set and coordinating punch.  With this bundle, you can choose between a punch that punches one shape at a time or dies where you can die-cut three at a time.  I chose the punch because it is easier to transport.

The Flowering Zinnia paper has so many cool designs to choose from.  Any of the patterns would look great for this card.  I chose this pattern because I happened to have a scrap on my table that was the perfect size.

As you can see this is actually a fun fold card.  And I realize as I am writing this that I forgot the white inside as a place for your message.

As gray as it is today it seems like a good rest day.  After being on the go all day yesterday and knowing that I have a very busy five days coming up I think I will take advantage of the grayness to rest!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!! 

Happy Stamping!!

June 18, 2024

Loveliest Tree

I have another swap card made with the Loveliest Tree stamp set to share with you.  This was also from the event I attended in Wisconsin.

The tree on this card has been colored with inks and sponge daubers.  The ink was applied to the stamp with the dauber to get the variegated look for the leaves.  It certainly looks like some trees you can see in the fall.

Today brings another doctor's appointment . . . this time my monthly oncology check-up.  I am assuming it will be a quick appointment because I am still feeling great.  After the appointment, I am planning on going shopping with a friend.  I don't really need anything, I am just enjoying being able to be out and about.

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

June 17, 2024

Spotlight on Nature

This unique card is another one I made at Demo Days in Wisconsin.  It features the Spotlight on Nature and the Country Woods Designer Series Paper.  

I rarely stamp directly onto the designer series paper, but I clearly need to do more of it.  It gives a whole new look to both the image and the paper.  The flower image and the sentiment were stamped with Early Espresso Ink and then colored with Pool Party and Old Olive Ink.  I love how Tina added the corner pieces by die-cutting a square and then cutting it in half diagonally.  She then added some of my new favorite embellishments . . . Adhesive-Backed Texture Dots.

As soon as I am done posting this I am out the door for an early morning doctor's appointment.  When I scheduled my yearly exam, first thing in the morning seemed like a good thing . . . now not so much.  6:15 came pretty early this morning when the alarm went off.

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!! 

Happy Stamping!!

June 16, 2024

Expressions of Kindness Kit

I picked up the mail on Friday and my Stampin' Up! box was actually there and this kit was in the box.  I was super excited because this kit is awesome!!

This card kit has everything you need to assemble EIGHT cards with matching decorated envelopes.  All of the supplies are ready to go. . . including an exclusive stamp set and a Blackberry Bliss Ink Spot.  All eight cards are super easy to stamp and put together.  I love that this card was super fast to put together!  Just a little stamping on the card front, add the ribbon, sentiment and gems and it was done!  

The watercolor background is printed on the card and the die cut overlays, ribbon, sentiment and gems were quick to add to complete this pretty card!

Check out the fun sentiment for the fronts of the pre-decorated envelopes.  I think that is so cool.  Believe it or not, the back of the envelopes and the backs of the cards are also decorated.  

It took me about half an hour to make these eight cards.  Who wouldn't want to receive such a beautiful card?

Other than putting this card kit together the bulk of yesterday was spent watching baseball and resting.  I think tonight we are going to go over to Julie and Jason's house for supper for Father's Day.

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

June 15, 2024

Spotlight on Nature

Today's card is one I made at an event Susie hosted back in April.  I am just now getting around to sharing it.

This card base in the new Basic Beige neutral color that Stampin' Up! introduced this spring.  It kind of replaces the Very Vanilla thick cardstock.  At first I was disappointed that the Very Vanilla had retired, but this color is growing on me the more I use it.  The butterfly has been fussy cut and adhered to the card with a mini dimensions so that his wings are free.  This would make the perfect card to gice to a friend for many occasions . . . birthday, thank you, thinking of you, sympathy, or just because.

Yesterday was a pretty low-key day with lots of resting and napping. It seems like there's always something going on! I did pick up a Stampin' Up! box at the post office on the way home, and it has two new kits in it that I hope to work on today. They are easy to do in my lap.
Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!! 

Happy Stamping!!

June 14, 2024

Loveliest Tree

If you were a fan of the retired stamp set, Lovely as a Tree, then you will love this set . . . Loveliest Tree.

This is a split-fold card with the sentiment stamped on the inside piece of cardstock, but showing through to the front.  The tree has been stamped with Early Espresso Ink and then colored in with Moody Mauve Stampin' Blends.  The front flap of the card and the "floating" piece on the right have been embossed with the Exposed Brick 3D Embossing Folder.

Today started out with a trip to Iowa City for back x-rays.  It hurt so bad last night that I made a trip to Urgent Care to see if something else was going on.  There was nothing new, but she did want me to get x-rays just to make sure.  I guess we will see what they say.

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!! 

Happy Stamping!!

June 13, 2024

Attention Shoppers

Here is another reason to get the Attention Shoppers stamp set and dies . . . this adorable birthday cake!!  I am not sure if this was a make-and-take (since my friend made some for me while I was napping) or if I received this in the card swap.  At any rate, it is adorable.

The new 2024-2026 In-Colors are featured in this card . . . Summer Splash and Petunia Pop.  They coordinate together awesomely!!  This would be the perfect card to stamp a stack of, and you would always have a birthday card on hand when needed.

I know today is supposed to be a warm one . . . but so far it is beautiful out.  I am hoping the storms they are predicting decide to go around us!!  Not that I have anything outside that I want to do, I'm just tired of the wind when it starts howling.

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!! 

Happy Stamping!!

June 12, 2024

Sweet Peas

Sweet Peas is the next stamp set we used to make a card.  I am not sure I would ever buy this stamp set but I love having a sample made with it.

The Wildflower Designs Dies have been die-cut for the center peas and the lone pea on the side was fussy cut with my paper snips.  We used the Happy labels Pick a Punch to get the scalloped edge on the sentiment.  The Iridescent Faceted Gems were colored with an Old Olive Stampin' blend to give them a greenish tone.  All in all, I think this is a cute card to give to the "right" person!!

Yesterday's excursion was quite successful . . . we made it to Lowe's and Theisen's to look at outdoor storage boxes, went to Dollar Tree and Walmart, and also fit in a lunch at Culver's.  I was thrilled to see that they had their Strawberry Fields salads back on the menu for the summer.  It was huge, even after I picked the chicken off of it, so I brought the other half home to eat later.  The storage box I needed was WAY too big to fit in my vehicle, so Luetta and her husband went up last evening and picked it up for me.  I really appreciated all of the help.  Now the dilemma . . . do I work on my patio today or do I work in my stamp room today??  Decisions, decisions!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

June 11, 2024

Sketched Butterflies

This beautiful Sketched Butterflies card is another one that we made in Wisconsin . . . perfect for  a birthday!!

The big butterfly has been stamped, sponged with color, die-cut, and adhered to the card with a couple of mini dimensionals in the middle where his body is.  The wings will flutter as you move the card.  I don't often "fleck" my cards with spatters, but this time it really added to the design.

Today, Luetta and I are out on an excursion . . . the first "normal" thing we have done together since last August.  I want to look at some patio storage, stop at Walmart, and maybe hit up a Dollar Tree.  That is something else I have not done since August.  We will need to fit lunch in there somewhere but have no ideas where right now.  It sure does feel good to be doing "normal" things again!
Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!! 

June 10, 2024

Attention Shoppers

This is a stamp set that I had no intention of buying until Susie told me as much as I love to shop I really needed it and I started seeing cute cards made with it.  This is one of the cards that we made in Wisconsin.

This is a totally appropriate card for me because I do think shopping is always a good idea.  The 100 days without in-person shopping about killed me.  I have a lot of days to make up for!!  

I love how the bag has been stamped right onto the designer series paper to give it a little more interest.

As you can see this is a fun-fold card . . . 

opening both ways with a slot for a gift card on the left-hand side.

Hanna and Jake did not come back yesterday to work some more . . . We decided that it would be better if we all rested yesterday.  That was a good call because Hanna ended up not feeling all that well and John and I slept or rested most of the day!!  

Today I would like to work at least an hour in my stamping room . . . I know I keep saying that and it never gets done so hopefully today is the day!!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

June 9, 2024

Leaf Collection

Up today is yet another card from last weekend.  This one uses the Leaf Collection Background stamp and a sentiment from Unbounded Love.

If you are looking for one stamp set that has a lot of sentiments in it then Unbounded Love is the perfect set.  Show encouragement, support, celebration, sympathy, and appreciation any time. When words are hard to find, you’ll find yourself turning to this set time and time again.  This is a layout that I seem to go back to time and time again.  Some of the first cards I ever made used this layout . . . maybe that is why it has remained a favorite.  

We made a lot of progress yesterday and we hope to make a lot more today.  One of the problems yesterday was the gnats.  Since I was still majorically sitting and watching I ended up sitting inside because the insects wouldn't leave me alone.  They seem to like my poor bald head and it was driving me crazy.   The other thing that happened is that poor Juli got sick halfway through the afternoon.  We knew he didn't feel that well as he didn't want to eat and fell asleep on the floor.  Late afternoon we had our answer . . . he started throwing up and had a temperature.  So instead of spending the night, they packed up and headed for home.  Hopefully, he is feeling better today.  There was some talk of some of them coming back today, but that remains to be seen.
Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!! 

Happy Stamping!!

June 8, 2024

Tune In

Today's card features the Tune In stamp set.  This is another card that I made last weekend in Wisconsin.

The TV is stamped directly onto a piece of Designer Series Paper from the Country Woods package.  It is then die-cut with the Tune In Dies.  I know I asked this question last time I posted a Tune In card . . . how many people remember rabbit ears on their TV's?

Hanna and Jake are on their way and should be here momentarily.  We are going to continue cleaning in John's studio.  We should be able to get quite a bit done today and tomorrow.  Next is the patio and then the driveway!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

June 7, 2024

Thoughtful Journey Designer Series Paper

Every once in a while I make a card without a sentiment on it.  This is another one of the cards we made this weekend.  I struggled with where to put a sentiment and then decided to leave it just as it is and my message inside the card will be enough.

The embossed piece of Basic Beige and the designer series paper do all of the work for you on this card.  This would be a great card to mass produce using the Thoughtful Journey Designer Series Paper and changing up the color of your card base to coordinate with it.  The Basic Beige goes with about anything.  I wasn't too sure about that color when I first saw it, but after using it on several cards this weekend, I can safely say I LOVE it.  Almost more than Very Vanilla, which it replaced.

Hard to believe I have been out of protected isolation for over a week already.  Other than last weekend when I was gone I have to say my routine hasn't changed all that much.  I am still being careful and making sure I get plenty of rest and not over do things.  I was pretty tired at the beginning of the week after a big weekend, so that helped me to realize that I still need to get more rest than I am used to.

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

June 6, 2024

Round We Go

We made a lot of masculine cards this last weekend.  Here is another one which is also one of this week's Cards in the Mail.

Once again this card is a pretty simple layout, just layering combinations of designer series paper and cardstock.  I love the combination of Night of Navy and Copper Clay.  And once again since this is a masculine card, the Adhesive-Backed Textured Dots are the perfect accent.  Unfortunately they are out of stock at the moment.  They are supposed to be available around June 24th, which will be here before you know it.

Yesterday's doctor's appointment was quicker than I expected, so we grabbed some lunch and were home by noon! This gave me some extra time in the afternoon, so I cut cardstock and wrote out several posts to stay ahead of schedule. Maybe today I can get back to cleaning and organizing in my stamp room again.

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

June 5, 2024

Saying Hey

Today's card is a masculine birthday card in tones of blue and beige . . . the perfect combination for a guys card!!

It's a bit hard to tell from the picture, but this card is actually a fun fold card. The center flap opens, and the two side panels are stuck down. For cards aimed at guys, it's best to avoid excessive bling, so the Adhesive-Backed Textured Dots are perfect.  Believe it or not the designer series paper is actually Wildly Flowering Designer Series Paper.  One side has gorgeous flower patterns and the other side has more masculine design patterns.

Today is starting out with a doctor's appointment for John this morning.  It is right in the middle of the morning so I didn't want to get started on anything.  I am sure it will not go quickly so it will probably be the afternoon before we get home.  I am hoping to get some cardstock cut for Cards in the Mail if we get home early enough!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

June 4, 2024

Unbounded Love

How about another swap that I got over the weekend?  This one is also one of this week's Cards in the Mail.

What a great way to showcase the new 2024-2026 In Colors.  These types of cards are so easy to make and are pretty striking.  Each one would look different depending on which patterns you used in which colors.  The Heartfelt Hexagon Punch works perfectly for this technique.

Today will probably be another rest day!!  John has an appointment tomorrow so we will be on the go and the kids are coming this weekend so I am resting while I can!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

June 3, 2024

Spotlight on Nature

Todays's card is one that I received in a swap this weekend.  Since I took the cards out of their clear envelopes I don't know who made this one so don't know who to give credit to!!

I have made several cards with this layout, although I usually cut four pieces at a time and then use. the stack and shuffle method of deciding which piece of designer paper goes where.  You can see some examples of this technique here.  Each card comes out a little different but they are all neat.  Add a sentiment and some embellishments and your card is done.

I knew I was tired when I got home yesterday, but I didn't realize quite how tired.  I fell asleep in my recliner at 3:30, woke up about 8:00 and went to bed, and didn't wake up till 7:30 this morning.  Sixteen hours of sleep does wonders!

Today is still going to be a rest day!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

June 2, 2024

Spotlight on Nature

Wow!!  Do I have a lot of cool cards to share with you after yesterday's Demo Make & Take.  Here is the first on made with the stamp set, Spotlight on Nature.

We started by stamping the sentiment in the upper right-hand corner so we would have room for it.  We next stamped the flowers and stems and colored them using Petal Pink and Soft Seafoam Stamping Blends.  We added some Iridescent Faceted gems for embellishment and adhered all of the layers.  I love the Spotlight on Nature stamp set and need to use it more.

Yesterday was a long day and I would never have gotten everything done had my friend not helped me.   She did a lot of the stamping and then I assembled the cards last night while she working on something else.  I even went out to the car yesterday after we ate lunch and took a nap.  I didn't think I was that tired . . . I only went out to stretch out and rest my back, and the next thing I knew it was an hour and a half later.  I went back inside and finished up with the cards she had not gotten done with yet.  Despite being tired and my back bothering me it was a great day.  We went back to the house after that and rested for a bit and then headed out for supper, to pick up a couple of things, and to get gas. We came back to the Airbnb and I finished assembling all of my cards!  

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

June 1, 2024

Light the Sky

When it was time to come up with a swap for this weekend's Demo Day, I knew I wanted to do something a little different than a Cards in the Mail card. I had seen a technique somewhere while scrolling and decided to give it a try. The sample I saw used pastel colors, but since I knew I would be needing a 4th of July birthday card and these inks were on my table, I decided to use them.

I started this card by inking up the front of the embossing folder with Real Red Ink.  I then took a clear block and put some Night of Navy ink on it.  I sprayed a little water on the block with a Stampin' Mister and let it dribble into the embossing folder over the red ink.  I then took my piece of white cardstock, put it in the folder and ran it though my Stampin' Cut & Emboss.  The white cardstock was a little damp when I took it out of the folder so I set it aside to dry.  If you don't want to wait for it to dry you can always give it a few passes with the Heat & Emboss Tool.  I then layered my card, added my sentiment, and embellishments and my card was done.  Not sure how well they will go over, but it was a fun technique to try.  I want to try one with pastel colors when I get home.

I can't believe it, but I actually made it to Wisconsin.  We made a little side trip to the Dells so my friend could pick some things up and got back to Janesville about 5:00 PM.  We dropped out stuff off at out Airbnb and went in search of some supper.  After supper we stopped at a grocery store to pick up a few things and headed back to our house.  It is now after 9:00 PM and I am actually still awake and not all tired!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!