June 13, 2024

Attention Shoppers

Here is another reason to get the Attention Shoppers stamp set and dies . . . this adorable birthday cake!!  I am not sure if this was a make-and-take (since my friend made some for me while I was napping) or if I received this in the card swap.  At any rate, it is adorable.

The new 2024-2026 In-Colors are featured in this card . . . Summer Splash and Petunia Pop.  They coordinate together awesomely!!  This would be the perfect card to stamp a stack of, and you would always have a birthday card on hand when needed.

I know today is supposed to be a warm one . . . but so far it is beautiful out.  I am hoping the storms they are predicting decide to go around us!!  Not that I have anything outside that I want to do, I'm just tired of the wind when it starts howling.

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!! 

Happy Stamping!!

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