June 25, 2024

Irresistible Blooms

Today's card is one from last week's Cards in the Mail. It combines Petal Pink with Calypso Coral.  This is a fun color combo!

This card also features the new Layered Floral 3D Embossing Folder.  It has great depth and detail in the embossing folder.  You don't need anything else on your card besides a sentiment.  If there was a current Calypso Coral ribbon I probably would have preferred that so it would stand out more.

The trip to the Omaha Zoo was better than I had anticipated.  Hanna talked me into renting a scooter instead of doing all of the walking and I am certainly glad I decided to listen to her.  That zoo is huge!!  In fact, we did not even get to see everything and we were there for two whole days.  The kids had a great time and are looking forward to going back since they have a season pass.

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!! 

Happy Stamping!!

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