May 12, 2024

Adventurous Sky

Today's card is the last of last week's Cards in the Mail.  Like most of the cards I have shared lately, this is another one I made with Susie.

I didn't take a photo to show it, but this is actually a Z-fold card.  They have become one of my favorite fun folds and I think they just add a little more interest to the card.  There are several  patterns of aviation designs to choose from.  The maps, blueprints, textured clouds, and sketched planes are fitting for aviation, military, outdoor, or adventure-themed cards.  Be sure and check it out!!

Yesterday was a super busy day and everybody got a lot accomplished.  The first project they tackled was going from this, minus the snow. . . 

to this . . . 

Now I can at least grill if I feel like it and the sunshine can again come in my kitchen window.  It will be much more pleasant doing dishes when I can see the outdoors as opposed to the dirty tin roof that was blocking my view.

The next project was to start getting John's studio somewhat in order and the mess in front of it cleaned up.  It went from this minus the snow . . . 

to this.  Some things he just could not get rid of . . . the like long pieces of wood and the plywood.  "I might be able to make something out of them!!"  So they will stay until we start in again in June.

Since I couldn't really help do anything, Hanna asked me if I wanted to go plant shopping and she would plant flowers in the flower be on the south side of the house.  So away we went.

She selected a variety of colorful perennials that should bloom most of the summer once they get going.

The trick will be . . . can I keep them alive!!!  I guess we will wait and see.

After the busyness of yesterday, I think today is going to be more of a low-key day with a lot of resting and sitting!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

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