May 22, 2024

Simply Said

Today's card is a fun fold birthday card in an unusual color combination. Pebbled Path, Moodly Mauve, and Bubble Bath.


When I found this card online and read the color combination I knew I had to try it and see for myself in person how it looked.  I actually ended up loving the way it turned out.  As you can see this is a z-fold with some bling to make it sparkly.  The butterfly was colored using blending brushes.

Boy does the sun look great after yesterday.  I got a text from Hanna yesterday morning saying that they were "hunkered down" because of tornado warnings.  I visited with her again in the afternoon when I found out that they were getting out early because of the weather.  Her comment was "Everyone around here is doing the same. Everyone already spent 2 hours sheltered in place, we aren’t about to do it again lol". She has certainly had a lot of experiences in her 10 years of teaching that I never had in my 36 year career!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

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