May 2, 2024

Feathered Flight

All of the rain we are getting today makes me think of ducks for some reason, which in turn reminded me of this card that we made at Susie's a couple of weeks ago.  There is enough rain in the puddles out there that the ducks might think it is a lake and try to swim in it.

Both the Feathered Flight and the Textured Timber stamp sets are Online exclusives and you can see them here and here!!  They are not in any catalog, only in the Online Store.  This is a great masculine card and could be used for about any occasion.  

Today might be a curl up with my blanket and read kind of day.  I have already been through the pants and crop pants portion of my closet this morning before I sat down to do this post.  I think I will wait till the rain lightens up to take my Goodwill bags out to the vehicle, though!!  One more section of my closet and then I am done going through all of my clothes!  What a job, but it does feel good to have it done!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

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