May 27, 2024

My Small Business

Thinking today about my dad and father-in-law and the many other people that have served our country.  We certainly enjoy a lot of freedoms because of their service.  Thank you does not seem like enough.

I love making red, white, and blue cards!!  There is just something so striking about them.  In fact, the swap I was working on yesterday was red, white, and blue as well!!

Saturday John and I took an afternoon ride to look at all of the flags. It was the perfect day for picture taking . . . blue sky, not a cloud in sight, breezing blowing, and the flags waving so majestically!!

Three more days of protected isolation!!!  Today I have an appointment for my neck, even though it is a holiday and I hope to put the finishing touches on my swap cards for this weekend.  And of course, there is always baseball!! 

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!! 

Happy Stamping!!

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