4th of July Decorations

The Fourth of July is a big holiday in the Wilson household.  Ever since we moved in 25 years ago, we have celebrated the 4th with friends and family. The parade goes right by our house so the lawn is always filled with people looking for a good spot to watch.  After the parade, I usually have a buffet type lunch with salads, sandwiches and desserts.  This year the July Paper Pumkpin Kit and the decorations made from it will add to the festivities. The banner idea comes from one I saw on Facebook somewhere.  Hanna decorated the buffet with a banner at Christmas and we have made several other since then.  Now it looks kind of funny without something adorning it.

Tonight John and I are meeting some friends for supper and planning our road trip to Maine.  We had been talking about doing this for a while, and last Saturday, while at a celebration of life event for another friend we decided we should just do it and not talk about it.  So at the end of the month we will be on a road adventure!!

Everyday is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!!

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