Tulip Time

As soon as I am done posting this I am ready to head out the door to Pella to spend the morning with Hanna at Tulip Time.  This isn't the best picture, but here is what she sent me yesterday morning.

I think this might have been the scene outside one of her classroom windows.

I, on the other hand, would much prefer to see this when I look out the window!! 

This is a picture of a card that Hanna and I took at convention last year.  I really like how they took the Petite Pennant Builder Punch to make the curtains on the sides of the window.

Since I am going to be gone all weekend, and I have stamp class on Monday night, I actually have things all ready to go for that.  We are going to be making some awesome cards that you won't want to miss.  See you there!!

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