February 27, 2015

Last January when we had a stamping day, we exchanged these little 2.25" squares as a swap.  I finally managed to get mine put together last night.  The theme was flowers and spring and the color palette was subtles.  It always amazes me how cute these turn out.  I now have place on one of my kitchen walls where my frame hangs permanently and my plan is to change these out with each season.

Another thing I actually got accomplished yesterday was to get my stamping table cleaned off so I have more than an 18" square to work on.  Last weekend when the girls and I went to Ikea I saw this plant holder and though how perfect it would be to hold all of my stamping tools.  I had to take one of them at the store and set it on a table and pretend it was my stamping table so I could be sure it was going to work.  It actually works way better than I had imagined.  It stays put and I was able to get rid of the four or five other things I had that stored my tools.  

Today is going to be another errand running day as I deliver a card order and pick up some things we need in the city.  Then I need to get the car loaded for a craft show tomorrow morning, so I don't have to do it in the dark.  Hopefully the weather will be a little warmer for all of this.

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!! 

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