November 18, 2016

Hawkeye Wreath 

I spent a little time in my stamp room yesterday between naps and made this Hawkeye wreath for an upcoming craft show on Sunday.

These wreaths can be so addicting to make and once I got started on them I can see all sorts of possibilities.

I really like the way it turned out and hope other people do too!!

Last night Julie and I went to the Ainsworth Opera House to the Washington and Henry County Relay for Life Festival of Trees.  I bought an absolutely awesome Christmas tree and can't wait to pick it up Saturday and then put it up after Thanksgiving.  It is so cool that it will make not having my traditional tree up a lot more pleasurable.

Tonight John and I are meeting Hanna and one of her friends at HuHot for supper.  They are going to Davenport for "Friendsgiving" which is what the college roommates and friends call their annual Thanksgiving celebration. Since they were going through the area and needed to stop to eat we decided to meet. I haven't seen Libby for quite a while so it will be good to see her and catch up. 

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!! 

Happy Stamping!!

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