January 22, 2015

You might be looking at this picture going . . . what???  I thought this was a paper crafts blog!!  Well, it still is.  These awesome earrings were made from the embellishments in the Occasions catalog.  A couple of fish hook wires, a couple of minutes . . . and there you go . . . beautiful earrings!!

I have worn these several times since I made them and always get ask . . . where did you get your earrings . . . they are so cool!!

Yesterday was spent at the eye doctor and then in picking out new glasses for Hanna and myself.  We both got a totally different type of frame than we have right now so I hope that we both like them!!!  Like I told Hanna multiple times when I was trying on frames . . . I don't have to look at me, so what do you think they look like?

We also put the finishing touches on my leadership swap while we were eating lunch so look for it to be posted soon!!  I will be working on at least getting everything cut out and stamped today so I can start assembling them.

Everyday is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

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