August 17, 2016

Shaker Card

It has been a long time since I have made a shaker card but with the new foam strips that are in the catalog this year it is a piece of cake.  You might wonder what that is that is rattling around in the card.  You won't believe it!! You know those little packages of silicone beads that you get in shoes and other packed items . . . put a few drops of what ever color reinker you would like and you have the perfect shakers for your card.

This is one of the cards I actually swapped for a couple of weeks ago.

Today is the first day I feel almost like my normal self since surgery and actually for quite a while before that.  I have spent my morning in my stamp room working on swaps for this weekend.  I have a feeling I will still take a little rest this afternoon and cuddle up with my pillow, heating pad, and blanket . . . but I might actually watch TV instead of sleeping!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!! 

Happy Stamping!!

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