October 23, 2016

Craft Show Saturday

Yesterday was craft show Saturday so I thought I would give you a small glimpse of my booth.

I love my barn board that my son-in-law made for me.  It really seems to draw people into the booth.  Many, many people stop and look at what is on the board.

When I decide to to do more shows Julie and I scoured through all of the Goodwills and flea markets in the area to get table coverings.  It was a great way to get the look I wanted without spending a ton of money.  I don't think I paid over $2.00 for any one table covering.  Most were under a dollar!!

I had all of the cards all ready made, so I have just been making some Christmas treats and stocking stuffers.

The legal pad holders proved to be a big hit.  The good thing . . . . every body liked a different design so I still have plenty of those left.

One of the most popular items was the Hawkeyes Tic Tac holders.  I will need to restock those before the next show.

The small coaster calendars sold well too . . . . as you might imagine the Hawkeye ones went first!!

The one thing that surprised me was the fact that none of my woodland 5 nugget holders sold at all.  I figured they would be very popular.  However, if after the next show I have some left I already have a plan for them.

Post-It Noted holders are good stocking stuffers as well and the sales showed it!!

All in all, even though it was a long day and a bit of a drive it was quite a success.  And the good thing is that my sales were wide and varied so I do not have to make any thing else before my next show.

After getting home and resting for an hour or so we were on the go again to meet Julie and Jason at Amana for dinner for our birthdays and anniversary dinners.  Luckily I got home in time to see the Cubs clinch the World Series bid . . . . what a day!!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!! 

Happy Stamping!!

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