January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!!!!

It has been a whirlwind of activity around here for the last few days and I don't think things will change much until the first of August!! Hanna, Jake, and I braved the cold temperatures to head to Iowa City as Hanna wanted to get some things to make cute invites for her bridesmaids, flower girls, and ring bearers.  I will share those things in a few days after everybody receives theirs, but suffice it to say . . . Mom's craft room came to the rescue again!!!

I am hoping to be able to work with my new catalog stuff sometimes this week . . . but my first priority is to get some save the date notices done for Hanna's best friend.  They are actually getting married two weeks apart . . . so by the time we get save the dates, invitations, programs, and other assorted things made, it will be quite the undertaking!!  Throw in another best friend that is competing in the Miss Rodeo USA competition and it will be a whirlwind of activity for several months.  

So . . . the bracelet that I got for Christmas is especially meaningful . . . I always say "Everyday is a Gift", but now I have a visual reminder of it!!!  I was reading back over the journal I started to keep on New Year's Day of  2017 and was actually quite shocked to read some of the entries!!!! I guess I have forgotten (or maybe just blocked it out) what the start of 2017 was really like.  Even though I knew I was going to be healthy again, I must have been pretty weak as I can hardly read my writing and I talk a lot about how John had to help me do so many things . . . like even getting up out of a chair!!!!

Every day is indeed a gift!!  You can bet I will be making the most of the days ahead!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!! 

Happy Stamping!!

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