March 25, 2018

Southern Serenade

This was one of the cards I considered for the Southern Serenade class in February but decided not to use.  But . . . I thought it was so pretty that it would work for a Make-It-Monday, so this is one of the cards everyone will be making on Monday night.

The flowers are colored with the Stampin' Blends which are currently unorderable from Stampin' Up!.  This is both good news and bad news . . . the good news is that they are so popular and work amazingly well . . . the bad news is that they are unorderable.  

Stamps: Southern Serenade
Cardstock: Fresh Fig, Crushed Curry, Very Vanilla
Ink: Memento Black Ink, Crushed Curry, Fresh Fig
Accessories:  Old Olive Stampin' Blends Combo Pack, 
Daffodil Delight Stampin' Blends Combo Pack

Yesterday was an intersesting day to say the least!!!  I was awakened by the alarm on the TV battery backup pack at 5:30 AM that the power had gone off. Now that did not surprise me as there was heavy freezing rain and the wind was blowing like crazy.  I was supposed to do a craft show in Riverside and when it came time to leave we still had no power, but the roads looked okay to drive on so I figured that at least I would be warm and have coffee if I went ahead and went to Riverside.  John was still sleeping and I figured by the time he was ready to get up the power would be back on and everything would be okay.  WRONG!!  I called him around 10:30 and we still had no power.  So he went to our daughter's house in Kalona to hang out where it was warm.  When the craft show was over at 4:00 we still had no power and no estimate as to when it would be back on.  We were suppose to go to Grinnell to meet Hanna and Jake for supper, so we decided to go ahead and go.  Just as we got ready to leave we got word that power had been restored so we stopped by out house to check on things.  It was a chilly 59 degrees in the house so I turned the heat up, hoping it would be warm when we got home from Grinnell.  That plan worked and we had a warm and comfortable house to come back to after supper.  Long story short . . . or not so short . . . that is why there was no blog post yesterday.

Today is the second day of the craft show . . . I am hoping for a great day today as yesterday was a little slow as you might imagine!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!!

Happy Stamping!!

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