March 7, 2018

High Tide

Lighthouses have always fascinated me and I have been lucky enough to see some spectacular ones in Maine.  I think that might be why I am so drawn to this stamp set!!  I can almost hear the waves crashing against the rocks and the birds chirping every time I use it!!

This is one of the cards that my friend, Linda, brought to our Paper Pals get together a while back as a shoebox swap.

Stamps: High Tide
Cardstock: Night of Navy, very Vanilla
Ink: Night of Navy, Crumb Cake, Soft Suede
Accessories: Modern Label Punch (retired), Linen Thread, Stampin' Dimensionals

Do you see it????  Do you really see it???  A totally cleaned off stamping table!!!

I got my stamp table totally cleaned off yesterday and also got all of my stamps organized on my shelves.  I still had Holiday Catalog stuff everywhere. I should have taken some before and after pictures  . . . but I didn't think about it.  I still have one set of shelves to organize, where I keep my ink, and the top of my paper case to clear off, but other than that I am done.  

I do have an eye appointment this morning, but when I get home I am going to actually create some things in my room.  The rest of the organization can wait till tomorrow or Friday!!

Every day is a gift . . . make the most of the gift you have been given today!! 

Happy Stamping!!

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